Disruptive thinker, amateur poet, unacknowledged internet entrepreneur and passionate global C-level transformation leader with over 25 years of experience in implementing strategic business change in multi-cultural, complex organisations and in building global high performing teams to deliver sustainable shareholder value and happiness@work. Proven track record in P&L management, business transformation and M&A, service and technology operations, innovation and product management, risk and control management, outsourcing. Qualified leadership coach. Active research in #goodorganisations, #leadersforhumanity, #uniteforgood, #leadershipdevelopment and #transformationalchange. Please feel free to join our groups: + Good Organisations (LinkedIn and Facebook) - Inquiry about "business for good" + Knights of Change (upon invitation) - Senior global Transformation & Leadership experts You can follow my latest thinking and writing here: https://goodorganisations.com https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Otti-Vogt https://www.thinkers360.com/tl/profiles/view/5913 https://ottivogt.medium.com/ (see specific publications below. Latest book chapter: Letting go of leadership - A hopeful utopia for corporate realists, https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003150626-23/letting-go-leadership-otti-vogt)